19th Inter-House English One-Act Plays 2024

The month of April was windy, sometimes overcast and unforgettably exquisite as the campus transformed into a scene reminiscent of London's famous West End, with one corner becoming Drury Lane, another turning into the Palladium and yet another into the Royal Opera House as they all reverberated with some of the most immortal lines etched in time by none other than the Bard. The occasion was the 19th Inter-House English One-Act Plays and the theme ‘Shakespearean Tragedies’.

What more can one ask for, in Shakespeare’s birth month, often deemed the cruellest time of the year, according to T.S. Eliot, when memories blend with desires and Spring rain stirs the dull roots?

Initially, the rehearsals were challenging as Caesar gave seizures and Lear’s character lacked allure. But after nearly twenty days of continuous refinement (and the School Head’s enigmatic ways of bringing out nothing but the best version of each and every one involved in the plays ),every character underwent a transformation, regardless of his House or role in the productions.

The culmination of the process took place on Friday, 3rd May,’24 when Chittorgarh House and Ranthambore House staged Macbeth and King Lear and on Saturday, 4th May,’24 when Mehrangarh House and Kumbhalgarh House portrayed Julius Caesar and Hamlet, respectively.

The end result was surely a direction (if not a destination) achieved by one and all.

The Judges for the Competition, Ms. Teena Sharma, Ms. Elvira Fernandes and Ms. Judeline D’Souza, after extensive discussions, finally came to a unanimous decision of declaring Kumbhalgarh House at the First Position followed by Ranthambore at the Second and Mehrangarh and Chittorgarh jointly at the Third Position.

Palak Jain of Ranthambore House was declared the Best Director and Aashita Mundra of Mehrangarh House along with Aarohi Lodha of Ranthambore House shared the trophies for the Best Stage Managers.

The Trophy for the Overall Best House for the Inter-House One-Act Plays went to Ranthambore House.

Principal, Shri Sanjay Khati, who takes a keen interest in Theatre and Drama, voiced his passion for the greatest dramatist of all times, Shakespeare and thanked the Judges, the Parent representatives Dr. Deepak Jain and Dr. Rachna Jain and all the guests for sparing their valuable time.